Hidden Patience

Created by Kayleigh one year ago

When you think of Nana, patience is definitely not the first thing that would come to mind. I have still vivid memories of her bashing people with her walking stick in the supermarket if they didn't get out of her way fast enough. Nonetheless she could always muster enough patience to humor me when we sat every morning to do the morning crossword. 

Always an early riser as a child I would hear Nana head downstairs early in the morning to assume her place on her stool at the kitchen bench, bottom drawer open to rest her feet, cigarette smoking away in the ash tray and the daily paper crossword open. Every morning that we stayed at Nanas house,  I joined her,  perched on the little stool beside her and we would fill in the crossword together.  Certainly more of a hindrance than a help, Nana would coach me through the easy ones she knew I could figure out and just occasionally I would catch her by surprise and get one all in my own! 

Our mornings together are a special memory for me.  We would look out at the birds on the rockery singing as the sun came up,  smoke swirling around the kitchen whilst I ate my mini box of cereal Nana always bought for our visits. I learned how to use a dictionary, spell and work through cryptic clues with Nana who never got angry or frustrated with me.  Of course that patience disappeared as soon as Dad was awake and SIIIIMMMOOONNN would be bellowed throughout the house because she couldn't wait for him to come into the same room even though he was very clearly already on his way.  

I'll cherish those mornings with Nana along with many other memories such as throwing snails over the wall to the neighbour's, or walks around Broadbank feeding the ducks, days out to Rushmoor, trying to keep up with Nana going up that bloody steep hill to home, domino's on an evening after tea and crisp sandwiches for lunch.  Nana taught me to sew, the names of plants in her garden and most importantly to judge absolutely everybody you came across in town by their appearance and say it loud enough for them to hear.  

Nana was a cracking woman who was unapologetically herself and sharp as a whip and those will be the memories of her that will stay with me.